
Simmer Dim…. A Picture Of Contentment…..There’s a Moose, Loose Aboot The Hoose….An Example Of….

by Bernie Bell - 09:24 on 28 April 2023

Simmer Dim….

Things, and people, do connect up.  Quite some time ago Fiona-As-Used-To-Be-Next-Door told me that her brother, Merlyn, was working on a collaborative project about curlews.

Recently, friend Wendy who moved to Eday last May commented on how much she and husband David are appreciating the lengthening days here, and I said…..

Wait ‘til it simply doesn’t really get dark at all….the ‘simmer dim’.”

Wendy answered….

“Simmer dim, that reminds me of a radio programme I heard about curlews and a group of people who were raising awareness of the beauty and plight of curlews and had produced an album of sounds and music associated with these special birds. It was called Simmer Dim. Now you have brought it back to mind I must get a copy.”

I thought – young Merlyn must have finished his curlew work…so I ‘Googled’ and he, and his associates, have done so….here it is…



Well, well, well…..I remember Merlyn when he were nobbut a lad…..


A Picture Of Contentment …..




There’s a Moose, Loose Aboot The Hoose….


What a hoot!  And I’m pleased to see that the lass on the counter didn’t freak out – it looks like she just enjoyed the experience – she’ll ‘dine out’ on that story for a while.  Do people say that these days - that they ‘dined out’ on a story?



An Example Of….

A sister, doin’ it for herself……


We’ve come a long way.


Here’s one I made earlier…..  https://theorkneynews.scot/2021/01/21/the-ness-of-brodgar-possibilities/


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