
Plastic Lasts…..A Reminder…..More Eday Updates….More Garden Visitors…..

by Bernie Bell - 09:01 on 22 April 2023


Plastic Lasts…

This is an interesting pic. of smoking paraphernalia….….


The big difference being, that the clay pipe would disintegrate relatively quickly – the plastic vape case….wouldn’t…



A Reminder…..

From the Orkney Archaeology Society….

Talk: Excavations at Hall of Clestrain

April 26 @ 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm

Virtual Event


An on-line talk about the recent archaeology at the Hall of Clestrain….

“The Answer Lies in The Drains”

By Andrew Appleby – President of The John Rae Society

To book your free ticket please click here…. https://orkneyarchaeologysociety.org.uk/event/talk-excavations-at-hall-of-clestrain/


More Eday Updates…

….from the ‘Tombs of the Isles’ team….




Receding hare….


Dunnock On A Rock…

Years ago I knew some people who played music and were also keen bird-watchers.   They formed a band called ‘The Dunnock’s Dangling Donger Band’.  I asked why that name and was told that, basically, it’s because Dunnocks are such randy little beasts…


Mike saw a pair of Dunnocks on the terrace in front of our house taking part in the activity shown in the drawing in the above article.  By the time he got his camera they’d stopped, but the male was perched on a nearby rock – looking pleased with himself….

It’s all happening round the hedgehog’s dish!


Here’s one I made earlier…. https://theorkneynews.scot/2020/11/19/downing-street-think-about-it/


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