
Paul Powlesland Takes Action Again….. Something Positive…..And Also….

by Bernie Bell - 08:06 on 02 March 2023

Paul Powlesland Takes Action Again…..

Another example of when a Council appears to forget that it’s there to serve the best interests and carry out the wishes/instructions of the people who elected them… 



What is this mania for cutting down trees?



We planted four hundred and twenty trees,

hands thrust deep into nurturing earth;

cold-nosed and blinking from the icy draught,

joyous in expectation.


In anguish, I hear

the ripping of bark and heartwood,

letting of xylem and phloem,

wrenched from life,

the magnificent cedar succumbs

to tree surgeon’s blade.


Two hundred years, growing:

In two days of butchery,



Above the screeching machine,

slicing and shredding,

the silent scream of the tree,

whose loss is mourned

by sheltering songbirds and owls -

who cannot wait for our small trees to grow -

and me.

Wendy Alford             February 2012


And, by Mr. Mac…


I previously posted an item about Paul Powlesland’s admirable actions…

The Police really picked the wrong person to harass……..https://twitter.com/PoliticsJOE_UK/status/1569632109672677378?cxt=HHwWhICy0cyFusgrAAAA


Something Positive…

A tale of people working with Nature rather than against Nature…


I likes fungi….




So does someone else….. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-64251382


And Also – From Matt Staniek…..


“BBC Two this Sunday at 8

Paul Whitehouse: Our troubled rivers 

Paul came to Windermere to learn about why our lake is under threat and we of course talked about sewage.

Make sure you tune in and for pre show reading on what’s happening to Windermere…….

Save Windermere

…..for more frequent updates follow my socials @mattstaniek”


Here’s one I made earlier…. https://theorkneynews.scot/2020/11/12/ousdale-updates/



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