
Baby’s Smile…..Silence….. Connections With Famous Folk….

by Bernie Bell - 08:15 on 21 February 2023

Baby’s Smile


I say ‘Hello’

And her face lights up

With a big smile.


Six months old

Just learning

Taking it all in

And smiling….


BB  Feb 2023



A podcast from ‘Emergence’ magazine…. https://emergencemagazine.org/

Listening to the beginning of the Podcast brought to mind  ………. ‘Living for the City ‘ by Stevie Wonder – the section where the hope-full young man arrives in New York – and we hear the sounds of the city.

Then – a memory of sheltering among sand dunes with friends as a storm built and moved across the sky, then dropped on us – dark clouds rumbling – lightening crackling – nothing to do with ‘civilized’ life.

Then I just…listened…

Sanctuaries of Silence:
A Listening Journey

by Adam Loften & Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee

“In this immersive listening journey from our archive, acoustic ecologist Gordon Hempton guides us into the Hoh Rain Forest—one of the quietest places in North America. In a world drowned out by the din of modern life, Hempton offers a way to attune our ears to the sounds that emerge in the absence of noise and reconnect with the silence of the living world. “

Available on...

Apple Podcasts  |   Spotify   |  Stitcher   |  Google  |  TuneIn  |  Amazon


And a poem by me….


Into The Silence


Go into the Silence

Work with it

Don’t fight it.


Take out the ear-phones

Turn off the Smartphones

Still the radio

And the TV’s blaring.


Walk, Sit



BB May 2021


Connections With Famous Folk….

One of my Great-nephews told me he was working on a dissertation about Queen Victoria, and I wrote the following to him….

“Have you come across that thing whereby you connect someone you know to a famous person in a short number of steps?  Here’s Mike’s link to Queen Victoria…..

When Mike was a child his family shared a house with an old lady called Miss Thomas.  Miss Thomas remembered being at Queen Victoria’s funeral when she was six years old,  in 1901.  Mike to Vic, in 2 steps! 

I can then take it further, because Queen Vic is said to have remembered sitting on her uncle’s knee when she was small - that uncle became George the 4th.  Mike to George the 4th in 3 steps – sort-of.

Queen Vic was a dreadful woman – her people were in poverty while she took no notice.

That’s an example of the Bernie Bell guide to historical figures!”

Miss Thomas also provides a link from Mike to Hitler!  When she was a  younger woman she was Personal Secretary to Lord Rothschild, who went to meet with Hitler in the 1930’s – Pre-war.   As his Secretary, Miss Thomas accompanied him and…met Hitler.  Mike to Hitler in two steps.  Not sure what to make of that one…..

As time passes the links become more tenuous - but I suppose new ones are formed.   Someone I know shook the hand of Robert Plant – so I shook his hand.  Me to Robert Plant in two steps – sigh.

Friend Andrew met Charlie Three…. https://www.johnraesociety.com/limited-edition-mugs-in-memory-of-her-majesty/  - a variation on….

‘I danced with a man, who danced with a girl, who danced with the Prince of Wales’…. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I%27ve_danced_with_a_man,_who%27s_danced_with_a_girl,_who%27s_danced_with_the_Prince_of_Wales

‘I  bought some pots, from a man who made pots, to show to the Prince of Wales.’


Here’s one I made earlier…. https://theorkneynews.scot/2020/03/31/the-whale-the-well-and-the-fate-of-the-late-great-roundhouse/


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