
In Praise Of The Humble Rennie……Scotland’s Christmas Trees…..We Meet A Selkie-Woman....

by Bernie Bell - 09:50 on 25 December 2022

In Praise Of The Humble Rennie – A Seasonal Ditty.

(Other antacids are available)


I shouldn’t have had that cheesecake

I’d had more than enough to eat.

Then I found myself lying a-wake

With heart-burn

And just could not sleep.


I spent some time tossing and turning

I tried breathing steady and slow

But nothing would settle the torment

So off to the kitchen I go

To munch on an old faithful - Rennie


The fire went out nice and steady

Soon, soothed was my burning heart

And I’m thinking that maybe the next time

I’ll stick to some plain apple tart!


William Blake said “The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom “ – it doesn’t  - it leads to heartburn!!!

Full quote - “The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom...You never know what is enough until you know what is more than enough.”  ―  https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/2732729-proverbs-of-hell


Scotland’s Christmas Trees…..

Fishing creels and whisky barrels…..

Some more ‘tree friendly’ than others…still….very groovy…. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-63903914


We Meet A Selkie-Woman....

Christmas Day…before lunch….a walk on Aikerness Beach.  We met a woman who swam in the sea …IN  A BIKINI - does so every day - whatever the weather.  I have to say, she looked well on it – her two grown sons were with her and she didn’t look much older than them!

Then – I saw a stone which I thought someone had drawn a face on …but Nature had drawn the face……


Then back to the car just in time before  a heavy shower blew in – and in time to see a rainbow over Rousay…..

And a Cool Yule to all my readers – however many or few you may be!


Here’s one I made earlier…. https://theorkneynews.scot/2020/01/24/newark-bay-life-on-the-edge-of-the-ocean/.  Possibly to walk off the excesses!



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