Foraging…..The Last Time….
by Bernie Bell - 08:12 on 12 December 2022
He’s at it again…Andrew Appleby, that is….a wee film which includes harvesting and cooking cockles – you can imagine how tempting that dish would smell – especially when cooked out-doors….
St. Peter’s Pool is part of Sandi Sand….. , a safe enough environment for harvesting cockles - but it’s worth bearing in mind that not all mud and sand flats are to be trusted.
Some years ago Mike was carrying out a cockle survey in The Wash. He was far out on the sand-flats and realised that the tide had come in behind him. He found himself to be on a narrow spit of sand which was fast disappearing – with the best part of a mile between him and the shore - as the water advanced rapidly. He tried to radio his back-up team on the shore, but the radio didn’t work. He set off back, discarding heavy equipment along the way. He was wading chest deep in water, aware that he had a creek to cross. Luckily, some experienced bait-diggers spotted him and were able to shout directions for him to follow a ‘safe’ route back to the shore, where he arrived unhurt but badly shaken by his experience.
He was lucky – simple as that. But it has to be said – he should have been paying attention.
After that dramatic interlude – some foraging bits & pieces….
Forage Safely - Forage......With Knowledge!
The Last Time….
The Last time…Part One…..
And now….
The Last Time – Part Two
The last time we had a fish supper from the Peedie Chippie
We didn’t know it was the last time.
The last time we had lunch at Julia’s
We didn’t know it was the last time.
And the last time I bought my knickers from M&Co
I didn’t know it was the last time.
Will it be another empty shop in the high-street?
Or something ‘touristy’?
Welcome to ‘Neolithic Park’.
Here’s one I made earlier….
PS…..if the tide is out there’s a pool, nearly enclosed by the rocks. One time, when the tide was right out we walked out along the stony bit that sticks out into the sea on the left hand side. I wonder if folk used to maybe wait ’til the tide was in, then put nets across the gap at the end, then just harvest the fish as the tide went out? If you go there, and the tide is out, you’ll see what I mean.
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