
In Vino Veritas…. Gobblers, Toms & Hens &..…Bookan……

by Bernie Bell - 07:29 on 09 November 2022

In Vino Veritas….

Re. COP27…..read what’s on the glass……..

When COP26 finished  I wrote something after a wave of confusion and - not despair - but something like it – hit me about the times we’re in, who really is in charge and where we are going as a species and a planet.

I usually try to go for the plus but ….it gets harder and harder to do so.

I can imagine The Dubliners singing a rousing chorus……..

COP Yersel's On

It’s Bru-ha-ha


Ballicks & Baloney


Plans for the end

Of the decade

Are way too

Far ahead.


The young want to act


Don’t have the power.


Those with the power -

They don’t see the need.



Blah-blah- blah

Ballicks & Baloney


Costing a bloody fortune -

Could be Health Workers pay.


Clamping down on Covid

Got lost along the way.




Ballicks & Baloney




Gobblers, Toms & Hens &…

I love living here…..Tuesday morning, here in my den, typing my blog.  I heard “gobble gobble gobble” noises – looked out the window – neighbour’s turkeys were marching down the road!  Male turkey in the lead – apparently they are known as Gobblers or Toms https://www.veganpeace.com/animal_facts/Turkeys.htm - with his tail all spread out, followed by his hens.  I phoned said neighbour - who looked out his window, exclaimed, said thank you and took action.

I then watched him walk down his track shaking the magic bowl of turkey food.  The turkeys turned round and followed him home.   Fine beasts.  No doubt being fattened up for Christmas – though that all appears to be a bit up in the air this year due to Avian Flu. 

Our neighbours are doing their best to kept their birds in – the turkey gang must have make a break for it – and who can blame them!   Reminded me of the Hillside Animal Sanctuary  turkey Christmas cards…..


And, weirdly enough – the Gobblers in Philip Pullmans  ‘Dark Materials’ trilogy….  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/His_Dark_Materials

Life – varied and interesting – even when mostly spent at home………

I recently had a conversation with two Jehovah’s Witnesses who came to the door – the chap commented on my acceptance of my situation - I said that I’m old, and if you haven’t learnt to accept life by the time you’re old – you’ve missed something somewhere!  He asked did I see any hope for life on earth – that was a big one!  Among other things, I said that even if humans go kaput – the earth will continue and restore itself. They see this time as being ’the last days’ – the last days for what though?  If they mean humans – well, we’re not the only thing that matters – though we act as though we are.

I’d forgotten quite how much they are focussed on the Bible.



Every now and then I check the Ness of Brodgar website…. https://www.nessofbrodgar.co.uk/  to see what’s occurin’ …..this had been posted on the 1st  of November…..  https://www.nessofbrodgar.co.uk/the-ring-of-bookan/

And here it is….my tuppenceworth about Bookan….  https://theorkneynews.scot/2022/01/08/orkney-walks-with-stories-the-procession/


Here’s one I made earlier….. https://theorkneynews.scot/2019/04/28/south-ronaldsay-west-coast-walks-part-two-or-a-walk-between-two-cairns/


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