
Hedgehogs…..More About Magic……A Timely ‘Gift’…… Neolithic November….News From Kilmartin Museum….Lady Godiva?

by Bernie Bell - 07:41 on 04 November 2022


I was wondering exactly when do hedgehogs hibernate so that I will be able to put peanuts as well as grain on the ground for the birds.  I didn’t know that peanuts aren’t particularly good for hedgehogs….. 


It looks like they might be OK thoroughly crushed up and not in excess, but I’ve decided it’s safest not to put them on the ground while our resident hog is likely to be about – we know s/he’s there, as we see the evidence…. http://www.spanglefish.com/berniesblog/blog.asp?blogid=15930

I found this site….. https://www.arkwildlife.co.uk/blog/all-about-hedgehogs/ which provides a very helpful calendar of when hedgehogs are doing what - copyright forbids my copying it – but it’s useful information and well worth having a look.

And…remember, remember - hedgehogs might be in bonfires….. https://theorkneynews.scot/2021/11/05/hedgehogs-and-bonfires/


More About Magic…

All Hallows isn’t just one day - so here’s some more magic…..….



A Timely ‘Gift’……

It’s coming up to Mike’s birthday – we don’t buy each other presents – we either donate or ‘buy’ gifts from charities for folk who need things more than we do ( ain’t we the virtuous ones?). 

Something very timely arrived in the post from UNHCR….. https://www.unrefugees.org.uk/ explaining how a donation of £78 can help provide a Winter survival kit for a refugee family.  The kits that families receive include a selection of items such as sleeping mat, fleece blanket, plastic weatherproof sheet, winter jacket, sleeping bag, hygiene set, emergency fuel payment, solar lamp - depending on their needs.

That’s Mike’s birthday ‘gift’ sorted – Christmas will be a donation to Hillside Animal Sanctuary for/from me…. https://shop.hillside.org.uk/gifts-in-lieu/  - to Breadline Africa for/from Mike…. https://breadlineafrica.org/ and for siblings - Free Tibet… https://www.enlightenedgifts.org/virtual-gifts

Better than a load of superfluous ….stuff!


I didn’t know that it’s Neolithic November…did you?  You do now!


I have to add my tuppenceworth…….  https://theorkneynews.scot/?s=Neolithic+Bernie+Bell

Rather a large one ….more like tenquid’sworth – I likes the Neolithic!


Evening Talks at Kilmartin Museum….

The Museum’s schedule of popular and informative online monthly evening talks continues to reach people all over the world.  Coming up they have:

17th November: Placenames, Politics, Settlement and Society in Medieval Argyll, c.AD400–1400 with Dr Russell Ó Ríagáin (Queen's University Belfast)
19th January: Situating Viking Age Memorialisation in Southwest Scotland and the Irish Sea Area with Danica Ramsey-Brimberg (University of Liverpool)
23rd February: Sacrifice, scrap or something else? Practices of metalwork deposition in Late Bronze Age Britain and Ireland with Dr. Matthew Knight (National Museums Scotland)
16th March: Talking torcs: South to North? or North to South? with Dr. Tess Machling. 

To book a FREE place and for the latest news on upcoming talks, visit the  website.  You can also watch recordings on their Youtube channel.

Kilmartin Glen is THE BUSINESS… https://theorkneynews.scot/page/2/?s=Bernie++Mikes+Road+Trip+


Lady Godiva?...

On Saturday 5th November author and conservationist Hannah Bourne-Taylor will stand on a soap box at Speakers Corner and present 'The Feather Speech' - a call out to us all to help birds, and in particular the Swifts she loves.  She will be (almost) naked and seriously extra-ordinary body artist Guido Daniele will spend most of the previous day decorating Hannah with feathers.  Hannah will then walk to Downing Street to deliver a letter outlining her, very reasonable, demands.

Here’s hoping for fine weather!


Here’s one I made earlier….. https://theorkneynews.scot/2019/04/05/the-end-of-still-game/



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