
Coming Up To Halloween…Halloween Television…...Hunting With Dogs…..

by Bernie Bell - 08:14 on 26 October 2022

Coming Up To Halloween…

It’s not just one day – it’s a time of the year……

Some books which tell well of the spirit world…..


'The Strangers' by Matthew Manning

‘All Hallows’ Eve’ by Charles Williams

‘The Lovely Bones’ by Alice Sebold

‘The Great Divorce’ by C.S. Lewis

‘Many Lives, Many Masters’ by Dr. Brian Weiss


And the way I see it, by me…



You don’t know what you’re talking about.

Just because we’re not in bodies,

Doesn’t mean we’re DEAD you know;

We’re still part of LIFE.

You’re the shadow,

We’re the substance.

Spirit isn’t in the body,

The body moves in spirit.

Ghosts, indeed!

Bernie Bell


My Dad used to say that we have more to fear from the living than the dead….over to you, Bartholomew…..

Halloween Television

Trick or Treaters have appeared
not at my door but on TV

The Democrats wearing scary masks
faces twisted and darkened

With Republicans in happy family man costumes
pure as a newborn lamb in fresh fallen snow

I’ve tried throwing candy at the screen
but they return every eleven minutes

So I turned off the vast wasteland
to fill in my ballot with sanity

but I’m still worried about the tricks
they’ll play after the election

Bartholomew Barker



I received this from the Scottish Greens…..

It’s time to end hunting with dogs for good.

Fox hunting and other forms of hunting with dogs are brutal and outdated practices. It is time to close the loopholes and end them for good.

The Scottish Parliament is consulting on a new Hunting With Dogs Bill. I am acting to strengthen the Bill.

A lot of people think fox-hunting is already banned in Scotland, but the reality is that there are far too many loopholes in the existing law. This has allowed fox hunting to continue throughout the last 20 years.

Please sign and share my petition to support the amendments and end hunting with dogs.

I will be moving amendments to end the loopholes to the ban, including the Scottish Government’s proposed licensing of hunting with packs of dogs in some circumstances, and loopholes that allow the use of dogs for sport and for terrier work. This is the cruel practice of sending dogs underground to flush out foxes, and can lead to orphan cubs being killed by dogs.

There is no excuse for these brutal and inhumane practices to continue, and the polls have repeatedly shown that the public back an outright ban.

Share my petition today, and help us to end it for good.

Many thanks

Ariane Burgess MSP
Scottish Greens, Rural Affairs spokesperson


Here’s one I made earlier………….. https://theorkneynews.scot/2019/02/07/the-brodgar-graffiti-project-sunday-3rd-feb-2019/

Thing is….the gates to the inner circle are closed a lot of the time now – so folk might not be able to access the stones….. https://theorkneynews.scot/2022/03/14/more-than-just-a-ditch/




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