Three Herons!!!.....Working the Polls…… Death By Stoning…….
by Bernie Bell - 10:18 on 19 October 2022
Three Herons!!!
We were thinking that it must be about time for Kraak the Heron to turn up at the pond again for his winter hunting, when we looked out the back window and saw three herons flying over our house and heading towards Gairsay – neither of us has seen three together before. Sometimes there are more than one at a good feeding place, but these three appeared to be actually in a group. They looked tremendous – such big birds, flying low across the sky. What a place to live!
I wondered whether seeing three herons at once was significant? This was the best site I could find that wasn’t full of adverts!
From the sublime to the squalid….and I don’t mean Bartholomew’s poem…
Working the Polls
Let’s install a pole in the Capitol
so our Congressmen can do their tricks
like strippers in a dank club,
teasing and tantalizing their base.
The esteemed Senator from Exxon Mobil
slinks out of his suit and tie,
and promises, if you buy just one more dance,
that he’ll keep the trans out of our bathrooms,
and if you take him to the VIP room,
he’ll make the kids pray in school
then once and for all outlaw abortion,
if you donate just a little more cash.
But no matter how many drinks you buy,
no matter how late you wait by the stage door,
our duly elected representatives spend their nights
with the CEOs of a multinational corporations
and that’s when you realize who’s really getting screwed.
Death By Stoning…….
“He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.”
I received this appeal from Avaaz…
Amal is only 20 and a judge decided she deserved death by stoning at the end of a bogus trial. It’s Sudan’s first stoning case in a decade, and she is stuck in jail until the appeals court decides her fate. But massive global outrage could save Amal's life. There’s no time to waste: add your voice now and share everywhere.
Death by stoning.
This is the cruel fate that Amal is facing in Sudan. She’s only 20 years old, and a judge decided she deserved to be tortured to death for adultery in the first stoning sentence in a decade.
But there is still hope: Amal has appealed to the verdict, and the court could overturn the sentence and save her life.
There’s no time to waste: Amal is stuck in jail until the court decides her fate -- so let’s shine a bright spotlight on her case with a global show of solidarity and outrage. Add your name now and when it’s massive, we’ll take our call directly to key governments Sudan is trying to court, so they demand Amal's release. Sign now and share with everyone.
Stand with Amal against her stoning death sentence
Amal's trial was a sham: she was even denied a lawyer to defend her after reports that the police obtained a confession illegally. Amal had moved back home after separating from her husband -- now she's facing brutal execution for adultery.
Three years ago, women were at the forefront of the Sudanese revolution. But today they are still denied equal rights and participation in public life. And as shocking as it is, Amal's case is part of a wider attack on women’s rights following the military coup that interrupted Sudan’s democratic revolution.
We can’t stand idly by as Sudan’s military tries to bring back the country to the dark times of Omar al-Bashir’s brutal ultra-conservative dictatorship. The new rulers of Khartoum are trying to normalize their relations with big powers like the United States -- and massive outrage from Avaaz members around the world could become a thorn in their side they can’t ignore. Add your name now.
Stand with Amal against her stoning death sentence
Women and girls’ rights are under attack all around the world: but time and again our community has come together to fight back -- from our campaigns to reopen schools for Afghan girls, to a new treaty against sexual harassment at work and a global movement for abortion rights in the United States. From Khartoum to Kabul and Washington, solidarity is how we fight back.
With hope and endless determination,
John, Anneke, Mike, Ruth, Antonia, Luis and the whole Avaaz team
PS: We changed Amal's name to help protect her identity at her lawyer's request.
Here’s one I made earlier….
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