
Mostly Matters Archaeological…

by Bernie Bell - 10:33 on 15 October 2022


Here is a short video about the Swandro dig from the meeting of NABO in Reykyavik on the 28th of September…..


…..and here’s me going on about the Swandro dig……


I’ll say it again … a stone with the carbon print of a Pictish Smith’s hands!


And…YAY!  I’ve rarely been more pleased to be wrong…..


Brochtoberfest is happening! And it’s on-line, which is still A GOOD THING in times of Covid, which has not gone away.

Here’s the info. about the first event….……YAY!


I am a happy Broch-head.


A Living Canvas…..

I saw this piece in ‘The Orkney News’…..


…..which reminded me of something I wrote from my, very limited, knowledge of Australian Aboriginal’s carvings and paintings….


Rock carvings last  - possibly there were many carvings and paintings on less durable surfaces, which are long gone.

That these designs were carved into the bark of trees - onto and into the living tree – is, to me, very significant.  Connecting with the tree – with Life – with the heartwood of the tree?

Robert Macfarlane wrote ……………

“Heartwood”: a tree’s heartwood is its innermost core. I wrote this poem (song, charm-against-harm) for any tree anywhere that faces unjust felling – and especially for the street trees of Sheffield. The art is by Nick Hayes. It is free to use, print, speak, sing… Please share.”

The Australian Aboriginal peoples had – and have -  great respect for Life – for all holders and expressions of Life – this poem wouldn’t be meant for them. 

But – if they saw the tree as …what Mr.Mac sees it as….were they connecting with that heart-wood of Life – that carrier of Life?

This is going to take some thinking about!


Friend Fred.... https://frederickturnerpoet.com/?page_id=2  said…..

“For those folk, that tree is a literal Yggdrasil. And it has a Jörmungandr inscribed on it. How come? Those peoples had not been connected for around 70,000 years. It's a human archetype. The Caduceus, the Metatron/Tree of Life, the Ceiba, Zeus's Oak.”



I received this from the Stonehenge Alliance…


“Dear Friends and Supporters,

To stop the Stonehenge road proposal we all need to write to the National Trust, members and non-members alike.  The National Trust protects its properties from inappropriate development and stands up for the environment.  Yet at Stonehenge the National Trust is supporting a road scheme which would devastate the Stonehenge landscape. 

Under any other circumstances, it is almost unthinkable that an independent, national conservation body would support a major infrastructure scheme so harmful to a World Heritage Site.

The crucial point is that without the National Trust’s support, the Government’s proposal would be unlikely to succeed since the road goes through and under land owned by the Trust. 

Now’s the time to take action!

At a time when the Trustees have been asked to reconsider their position on the A303 at Stonehenge all of us  should write to them as well. 

Please write to the National Trust Chairman and Director General to share your concern about the devastating impact the Stonehenge tunnel and road scheme will have on the WHS, for you, for passers-by, for everyone for ever.


Your support has been fantastic.  Thanks so much.

Best wishes
The Stonehenge Alliance

PS Like Stonehenge World Heritage Site, the National Trust belongs to us all!"


There’s a ready-made email to send – takes half a minute….

By the way – I was a Member of the National Trust for decades, until they allowed development on their land and didn’t take a stand against fox-hunting – so I cancelled my Membership.

The main reason that I was a member was because I believed that they would care for the properties which they owned – and all the life in and on those properties.  I’m a member of the RSPB for the same reason – I hardly get to use my Membership card and  I don’t mind that – as long as they care for places as they should. 

In my view – the National Trust, at the time, were reneging on their commitment.  Let’s hope they don’t do that in this situation.


Here’s one I made earlier….. https://theorkneynews.scot/2019/02/03/art-archaeology-in-orkney/


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