The Queen of England…..Crawick Multiverse….. Fracking….
by Bernie Bell - 10:01 on 10 September 2022
The Queen of England died on Thursday. I can’t honestly say that her passing means a great deal to me – apart from the fact that it gives Charles a chance to maybe take some positive action about the State of the Nation.
He comes across as a conscious, thinking person - more than is usual for a Royal. Usually they go where they’re told and do what they’re told - smile, shake hands and say banal things. Maybe he’ll try to introduce some positive changes in today’s Britain.
But what a nation in a state he is inheriting.
Meanwhile - the Royal funeral will distract the public from the State of the Nation. Then, the Coronation will further distract them and present an opportunity for a lot of flag waving and ‘aren’t we marvellous’ ness.
I wish the royal family no ill - they are people too - but I don’t see why we pay for them, especially when they are so very rich themselves. Here I go….
Television presenters are already referring to the ‘Second Elizabethan Age’ as though the first one was some kind of golden age. It wasn’t – it was a time of great in-equality. Some people were stunningly rich – literally with jewels dripping from their clothing, while others could hardly manage to live. Does that sound familiar?
Wars - and a great time of Empire building and colonialism. Remember what Lizzie One did to Ireland? And what she did to the Queen of Scots.
Well, yes, that age gave us the works of Shakespeare, which might have been different if he’d lived in different, quieter times…… I’m thinking of Derek Jarman’s ‘Jubilee’…
Something of my views on the bru-ha-ha surrounding the Monarchy …..
And now we’ll get on with our life in the Third Carolean Age.
It occurred to me that the profile on stamps and the image on paper money will change. Born in 1955, I don’t remember the stamps or money of the time of George VI. It will be true of a lot of people, that Lizzie Two is the only monarch they have known.
Interesting times.
Crawick Multiverse….
We watched a recorded episode of ‘Ian Robertson Rambles’ in which, while walking in Dumfries & Galloway, Ian visited Crawick Multiverse – not verse as in poetic verse – though the place is a form of poetry – verse as in many Universes – constellations, galaxies and the Milky Way are laid out across the land…..
Ian tells us that when this open-cast coal mine became defunct, the Duke of Buccleuch commissioned Robert Jencks to plan and produce the landscape – it’s a wonder. I’d love to go there - doubt if I will be able to - doubt if I’ll go off-island again but – Ian Robertson takes us to these places, even those of us who aren’t likely to go there in ‘reality’.
And – these places exist – that’s what matters. It’s one of the rare occasions when I can see some point in the aristocracy - when someone like the Duke of Buccleuch has the imagination, inspiration and interest in the common weal to use his land ownership and wealth to commission someone who also has imagination and inspiration - to produce such a place.
Looking at the plan – many echoes of ancient sites – stone rows & circles….. . What might people make of this in 5,000 year’s time? If we’re still here…..
So much for alleged good intentions…..
And here are some genuine good intentions….
More Matters Geological….
The presence of plants affected this planet then, as it does now, and all times in between….…..
Here’s one I made earlier……
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