Blue Shift/Red Shift…..Brochs!......A Beauty of a Moth…..
by Bernie Bell - 10:13 on 28 August 2022
Bartholomew Barker – as always, layers within layers…..
“Fraiku : Hurry Back
Let me behold your green eyes
shifted blue
as you return to my arms”
Click on the words ‘shifted blue’ which will take you to red shift/blue shift.
‘Red Shift’ by Alan Garner….one of my favourite writers….
Layers within layers……and beyond…….
And my comment was….
“Hmmm – eyes change when beholding the beloved.
Have you noticed how if you look at a photo you can tell how the person looking at the photographer, feels about the photographer, from their eyes?
It’s always plain to see when they love them. Eyes don’t lie. Mostly.
You’ve caught it – that ‘look of love’.”
By the way – my eyes are grey – but green when I’m angry – or excited…..
“Some thirty inches from my nose
The frontier of my Person goes,
And all the untilled air between
Is private pagus or demesne.
Stranger, unless with bedroom eyes
I beckon you to fraternize,
Beware of rudely crossing it:
I have no gun, but I can spit.”
― W.H. Auden
Calling all Brochaholics…….
Bells in Broch smugmode….
In the garden, a Pink-barred Sallow moth blending beautifully with the Alchemilla….
Here’s one I made earlier…..
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