Bits & Pieces
by Bernie Bell - 11:52 on 13 July 2022
‘Tis the season to be digging….
And to get folk in the mood for following the progress of the various archaeological digs here in Orkney, here’s a wee poem wot I wrote…………
The Digger’s Prayer
Lord grant that it may not be wet,
Oh, please, Lord, keep it dry.
And may the wind be of the kind,
That gently whispers by.
Let Nick and Paul, Andy and Rick,
All be in a good mood.
And let some friendly person,
Turn up with yummy food.
Oh, let me be the one to find,
The ‘find’ that’s Number One,
And let me come back to the Ness,
Each year, ’til digging’s done.
There’s also this…… Poetry Corner : Day-Job’s Over
They’re already finding things at the Ness – oh yes……
Watch out for lower water levels possibly revealing structures and….maybe….boats!!!!!
A bit more archaeology…..
At last…Ousdale Broch has a new guardian….
The Ousdale Mannie who used to ‘keep an eye’ was ’nicked….
To quote Nell Flaherty on the theft of her drake… “Bad cess to the robber, be he drunken or sober.”
The Fabric Of Our Lives
The fabric of our lives
Has holes in it.
The Folk Festival
The Blues Festival
Harvest Home
Lucy Service
Nine Lessons & Carols.
No meal out for my birthday
Our wedding anniversary
Mike’s birthday.
Not attending the funerals of those we know.
Not visiting the new baby.
The fabric of our lives
Has holes in it.
But I’m trying to see it as lace
Where the holes
Are part of what makes it what it is.
I’m trying to see it that way
And not go crazy.
Bernie Bell 7th October 2020
Here’s one I made earlier….
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