Swandro ...Plus.....
by Bernie Bell - 09:15 on 13 July 2022
There has been an archaeological dig happening at Swandro, Rousay for some years now. After a break due to Covid the diggers are back on site this year and in preparation for this Caz Mamwell put together a review/over-view of the Swandro dig and its finds so far in the site Newsletter…..
……which features what, for me, is the prize find – the stone which has a Pictish Blacksmith’s handprints on it – I repeat – A STONE WITH A PICTISH BLACKSMITH’S HANDPRINTS ON IT!
Here’s what you need to know to get to the site…..
And you can follow the daily dig diary…. https://www.swandro.co.uk/blog
Here’s what’s happening right now at Swandro, and at the Skaill Farm site...
Rousay… https://archaeologyorkney.com/2022/07/12/link-archaeologists-in-action/
Aaaaand.....a tiny wee pot......
Steve Drury’s ‘Earthlogs’....
I’ve been reading Steve’s ‘Earthlogs’ for some time and, with his permission, would like to share the link which will take you to them…..
…and into the other worlds which make up our world.
The Farting Liners
As the liners leave Orkney
They fart at us
Across the Bay.
It’s said to be to announce
Their departure
But I think they’re farting at us.
They’d stick two finger up at us
If they had fingers.
BB July 2022
Here’s one that Mike made earlier….. https://theorkneynews.scot/2018/11/04/lark-ascending/
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