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After a few trials on Friday afternoon, Paul loaded his van ready for a very early start on Saturday. Up before the sun, we arrived to find it raining for the first time for a month! Everyone blamed everyone else for a having this silly car boot sale idea! A very large, packed stall (see photo) was ready for the paying public who duly appeared and were relieved of their money, especially by Linda and Debbie, but they all left feeling that had got a bargain.



Fortunately the rain didn’t last for long and the customers kept coming (several saying that it was the best plant stall out of the many that were there) and at the end we finished with only a few plants left. Thanks to all the efforts of those who contributed plants and other items, and those that sold them, a very healthy profit of £412 was made on the day which rises to £548 when pre-event sales are included.


Suddenly, after a successful, sunny and warm day, doing a car boot sale was a good idea and some even suggested doing it again (others weren’t so keen!).

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