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Margaret Bennett - "Donald et/agus Marion"

March 16th  7.00pm


The story of how a historical novel in French, ‘Donald et Marion’, is helping to revitalise and sustain Gaelic culture

in the Eastern Townships, Quebec.

In the mid-nineteenth century, three counties in Quebec’s Eastern Townships were settled by Gaelic speakers

from the Outer Hebrides. In 1888, when young Donald Morrison was branded as ‘the Megantic Outlaw’ his tragic

fate touched Gaels and French alike for several decades. By the 1970s the Gaelic language had declined so

drastically there seemed little interest in the stories, music and songs of the early settlers or their culture. In

1990 a historical novel, ‘Donald et Marion’ sparked widespread interest in Morrison’s culture among the French-

speaking Québecois, opening opportunities for cultural tourism, with festivals and tours promoting Quebec’s

Gaelic history and tradition.

Illustrated by archive photos and recordings as well as DVD clip of the last Gaelic speaker, filmed 2011 during fieldwork funded by Le Prix du Quebec







Ruaraidh Maclean presents

" Gàidhealtachd  nan Sgeulachdan: Special Places and Special Stories”


An evening of Highland Myth and Legend

Presented in Gaelic And  English, for all ages

An t-Oisean

Thurs 16 February @ 7.00pm

An t-Oisean, Balconie St

Suitable for all ages £3 /£1


Presented with support from Enterprise Music Scotland  Small Arts Fund






Come and Celebrate "An t-Seann Bhliadhn' Ur" with Angus Peter Campbell and Family! An t-Oisean , (Cornerstone), Balconie St, Evanton, Ross-shire. Thursday 5 January @7pm. £3/1 Refreshments provided. Come and hear stories, songs and traditions of the Old New Year.  Presented bi-lingually and suitable for all ages.  Bidh failteachas mhor aig a h-uile duine! Big welcome to everyone! For more information, phone Fiona on 01349 864156





Gaelic Story Telling Sessions.....

An t-Oisean will be hosting a new series of story telling sessions over the Winter 2011/12. 3 of Scotlands top Gaelic soty tellers will weave evenings around stories of myth and legend, of song and of fact.Come and learns things you never knew about...... Suitable for all ages and linguistic bility. These are all presented with support from Enterprise Music Scotland Small Arts Fund, for which we are very grateful.





Angus Peter  Campbell 5th January, 2012 "An t-Seann Bhliadhn' Ur- The Old New Year"............ Ruaraidh Maclean   16 th February @ 7.00 pm. Margaret Bennett       16th March    Tel 01349 864156 for more details.   entry for all events- £3/1       



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