

Below are a list of essays, thoughts, diary entries and ramblings, some published, some not.


PHD Application Essay 'How can I (do I) contribute to the creation and enhancement of the educational influences of a community of learners, supporting each other and their own development?


Master's Essays - Bath University 2008-2012

  1. How can I live my personal theory of education in the classroom to promote self reflection as a learner?
  2. Language of Learning to the language of Educational Responsibility.

  3. ‘How can I enhance the educational influence of my pupils in their own learning, that of other pupils, myself and the school?’

  4. If I want the children in my class to extend their thinking and develop their own values and learning theories, how can I show the development of their learning? How do I research this in my classroom?

  5. Can children carry out action research about learning, creating their own learning theory?

  6. As a Headteacher Researcher how can I demonstrate the impact and self-understandings drawn from Living Theory Action Research, as a form of Continual Professional Development in education?


Published Writing

Creative and Philosophical Thinking in the Primary Classroom by Hurford,Huxtable, Mounter

Improving practice as a head-teacher through living theory research and communicating meanings of embodied values

How can I work within the government’s perspective of ‘Gifted and Talented’ but still remain true to my own living values? 

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