SpanglefishActive Schools East Sutherland | sitemap | log in
Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 26/03/2011.

Over 700 existing sports clubs in Highland could not function effectively without the dedicated hard work and support from hundreds of volunteers.
In and around our schools, curricular and extra curricular activities depend on the contribution of volunteer parents, friends and teachers who help to ensure that our kids have a good quality of life and learn to adopt active lifestyles to be healthy lifestyles, now and into adulthood. 
Links with community based sports clubs help to ensure that children can access opportunities that may take them to performing at the highest level, or simply to have an active, social and fulfilled life. 
Volunteers bring real skills and vitality to this interdependent network and they sometimes need help and support too. The Active Schools programme aims to provide a range of options for the local volunteer in East Sutherland:
  • Guidance for child protection, health and safety, risk assessments
  • Help to plan a programme of activities / set up clubs
  • Signpost volunteers to appropriate training and / or funding
  • Provide local and tailor made training in a range of packages e.g. Youth Sports Trust sports specific TOPS, cycle leader, young leader, community sports leaders, BHF active clubs/schools
  • Improve access to facilities
  • Improve local facilities infrastructure
  • Link individuals to performance pathways
 More kids, more active, more often



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