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Keeping the Camanachd Flag Flying: 150 Years of Aberdeen University Shinty Club
27 June 2011

As part of the shinty team's 150th celebrations Honorary President, Steven MacKenzie, has poduced a book recording the club's history. 

The book explains that it isn't as unusual as it initially appears that Aberdeen is home to the oldest constituted shinty club.  It also looks at where the founding members hailed from and follows the progress of the club from inception to the present day.

This history includes being a founder member of the Camanachd Association, the generous Littlejohn bequest and the heady days of the early 1970s when the team challenged the established order.  It also includes memories from selected players from the 1920s onwards.

Copies of the book cost £10 (plus £2 for postage and packaging) and are available from Steven MacKenzie at, or by post to:

10 Henderson Park



AB51 0FT

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