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02 December 2019
Neath Election News

Postal Voters Canvassed 

Two of the eight Neath candidates for the General Election on 12th December 2019 have made an effort to capture the attention of postal voters.

Jon Burns, the Welsh Conservative candidate for Neath, has sent a personally addressed letter to all postal voters and says that Neath voters should not be taken for granted like they are by some parties and that it is time for a change.

Jon Burns said he voted to leave the EU like the majority of voters in Neath and believes that democracy should prevail.

In contrast, a Labour canvasser representing Christina Rees has phoned around to see if the resident has made up their mind.

Other candidates have missed the boat as far postal voters are concerned and any later postings are simply too late.

Many voters will note where the candidates live and if voting for the individual, more than the party, will give preference to those who live locally.


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