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From: Alan Taylor, Inspector of Historic Buildings, English Heritage

To: Katie Lowe, Church Commissioners, Church House, Great Smith Street, London, SW1P 3AZ

Date: 19th June 2007

Dear Ms Lowe,


Thank you for your letter of 16 May consulting English Heritage about the proposed Declaration of Redundancy for the church of St John, Kates Hill.

English Heritage objects to the Declaration of Redundancy for the following reasons.

1.   Although the church is not listed it is a simple robust 19th century building built of the local limestone rubble. It's original galleried interior survives intact and is not without interest or architectural merit. The church is a distinctive landmark both as a feature at the end of the Kates Hill escarpment from where it is widely visible across the Black Country and more locally in its imediate neighbourhood where it is the only building of distinction. Closure of the building could potentially put its survival both as an attractive 19th century building and as a local landmark at risk.

2.   We do not consider that the building is so unsound or otherwise impracticable to use that it is incapable of continuing as a place of worship.

3.   We consider that the recent closure of the church as a place of worship arose from a flawed assessment of the building's architectural condition and the immediate pastoral situation in the parish. We consider that the building is capable of straightforward repair and could be brought back into use as a focus of Anglican worship, either in whole or in association with other community uses. We do not believe that these options have yet been properly explored.

English Heritage will be visiting the church on 21st June to assess the costs of repairing the fabric. It is unlikely that our report on that visit will be ready by the closing date for receipt of representations on 25 June although we would like to submit those findings as a supplement to the comments in this letter if this is acceptable. We would be very pleased to work with the Church Commissioners and the Diocese of Worcester to resolve a future for this building, preferably as a worship centre for the parish.

Yours sincerely,


Alan Taylor

Inspector of Historic Buildings

cc. Archdeacon of Dudley, Robert Higham, Diocesan Secretary, Pete Boland, Dudley MBC


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