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1927 - 1936






















·          The British Broadcasting Company becomes the British Broadcasting Corporation

·          Britain breaks off relations with Moscow after reports of Bolshevik espionage and subversion

·          Shakespeare Memorial Theatre, Stratford-upon-Avon

·          First talking feature film, The Jazz Singer, New York

·          Charles Lindbergh lands his plane near Paris, first solo non stop transantlantic flight


87 years old

·          Fund raising starts for a much needed Church Hall

·          First funds raised by the St John’s Church Mothers Union, as a result of a concert


·          Age for women voters reduced from 30 to 21

·          D.H. Lawrence, Lady Chatterly’s Lover

·          River Thames floods in London, 14 drown



88 years old

·          Suitable site for the Church Hall comes for sale opposite the Church.

·          Chiefly by donations the £675 is found to purchase the land and plans prepared for the building

·          St John’s Church branch of the Church of England Men’s Society formed


·          St Mary’s Hospital. London, Alexander Fleming first clinical use of penicillin

·          Scotland Yard seizes 12 nude paintings from Mayfair Gallery on grounds of indecency

·          First telephone boxes in London

·          US stock Exchange collapses, start of the Great Depression

·          Japan last election after 16 years 

·          Mussolini wins support of the Roman Catholic Church by making the Vatican City an independent state


89 years old



·          Sean Connery, actor, born, Edinburgh

·          Mixed bathing first allowed in the Serpentine, Hyde Park

·          Workhouse system abolished

·          Planet Pluto discovered, USA

·          Ras Tafari becomes Emperor Haile Selassie of Abyssinia (Ethiopia)

·          Chrysler Building, USA, 1048 feet, highest brick built building


90 years old

·          Exclusive of the site the hall cost about £4000, of which £3000 was raised by holding three bazaars, and the remainder by donations

·          The architects were Messrs. Webb and Gray, the builder was Mr Charles Coulson, all of Dudley

·          Churchyard enlarged, third time


·          Invergordon Mutinies, strikes in Royal Navy due to decreased salaries

·          Vic-Wells, later Royal Ballet, debuts in London

·          First attempt to build a computer, Germany

·          Metal detector invented, USA

·          Al Capone jailed for tax evasion, USA


91 years old

·          Foundation stone of the church hall laid with Masonic ritual, July 4th, by General Sir Francis Davies


·          BBC in London first regular TV programmes

·          Brave New World, Aldous Huxley

·          James Chadwick discovers the neutron

·          Mahatma Gandhi fasts to press British to improve their treatment of the untouchables, India

·          12 million unemployed, USA, Great Depression


92 years old

·          Church Hall opened, April 5th, by John Stallard. Esq, Diocesan Registrar

·          Dedicated by the Ven. S.R. James, M.A., Archdeacon of Dudley


·          First modern sighting, Loch Ness monster

·          British Interplanetary Society formed

·          David Bellamy, Joan Collins, Michael Caine, Joan Bakewell, born

·          Hitler becomes Chancellor, the Dictator of Germany

·          Persecution of Jews begins, Germany

·          Monopoly invented, USA


93 years old



·          Driving tests introduced

·          Agatha Christie, Murder on the Orient Express

·          Gas explosion Gresford Colliery, Wrexham, 266 miners and rescuers killed

·          Hitler gains total power on the Night of the Long Knive, over 70 rivals killed

·          Heinrich Himmler put in charge of German concentration camps


94 years old

·          Eldest son of Rev Powell appointed first vicar of St Francis in the Priory. He dies in 1940 aged only 37 years


·          Silver Jubilee celebrations of King George V

·          Robert Watson-Watt demonstrates radar, Daventry

·          Michael Parkinson, Julie Andrews, Simon Dee, born

·          First parking meters, USA

·          Richter scale to classify earthquakes, USA/Germany

·          Persia changes its name to Iran


95 years old



·          George V dies, Edward VIII ascends to throne

·          BBC commences regular television service

·          Edward VIII abdicates after marrying Mrs Simpson

·          Englebert Humperdinck, born

·          Rudyard Kipling dies

·          Stalin liquidates his enemies in the Soviet Union, two year purge up to 2 million killes

·          Hitler reoccupies the Rhineland

·          Start of Spanish Civil War

·          Depression in Germany ends as public works and munitions factories bring full employment


96 years old


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