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03 October 2016
Riverside View Spoilt by lack of council care

Reader writes on how lack of council maintenance is spoiling our town

 Riverside Road Neath, one of the  main roads into Neath town centre 
and the entrance to the new multi storey car park, Morrisons, B & M 
among other stores.
Why on earth are these trees and verges to be allowed to grow like the 
jungle, the trees are overhanging and the highway road signs are hidden.
There is a wonderful view of the Vale of Neath but we can not see any 
of it due to the thick unkept undergrowth on the verges by trees 
which have been allowed to get out of hand, even walking on the pavement one has to dodge overhanging branches, which is not  good especially if you have limited vision.
There is seat to sit on and admire the superb view of both down and up 
river, but one can not see anything  due to the over growth of 
vegetation.  The seat needs a good cleaning from weeds.   Come 
on Neath, it is not a very good advert for both visitors and locals.
Name and address supplied

Note by a legal expert.   Councils have a duty to keep pavements and pathways safe and clear from overhanging branches.  Health and safety is a factor here.  It could be that this scenario could lead to a public liability claim against the council if anyone gets injured.



Peter Hain - Maiden speech at House of Commons


In this speech Peter Hain speaks about the beauty of the constituency he represents and how proud he is of it.   Is he as proud now?

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