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04 December 2015
Body Organs

Does it mean that when you die the state owns your body?

A reader asks a valid question (Readers Letters) as to who legally owns your body and its organs when you die*?    As from 1st December 2015 organs can be taken from your body after you die* and apparently without permission from your family - unless you decided when alive to opt-out of such donations.  In effect, the reader asks: does your body belong to the state when you are brain dead?

Your body organs could mean extending life to another person, after you die*, which is commendable - if you wish it to be done.   But the question asked is: Is it right for the state to take body organ donations for granted? 

Let's look at it another way, medical science is developing fast and to the point where head and brain transplants are likely - so would you like someone else to have that part of you?

It's worth giving the subject thought - give your views on Readers Letters.

* Refers to a brain dead status.

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