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26 April 2014
Fracking is NOT safe

Fracking is not at all safe 

says reader

Following a reader's letter, we looked more closely at the Fracking process based on findings in the USA who have used it for some time.  The following YouTube video is of educational value - and will hopefully get many of our readers to understand the process and its implications.

We reprint the reader's letter to go with the above video:-

Fracking isn't safe at all and is highly dangerous to both the wider environment and to human health.

Fracking and related processes are coming our way .

Millions of litres of water are required and dozens, if not hundreds of chemicals, many cancer causing will be used in the process. This contaminated cocktail is bound to escape into the surrounding land, air and water. 

The Frackers have their eye on Swansea Bay and the Loughor Estuary, both environmentally sensitive areas, but in addition much of South Wales is in the fracking firing line.

If these processes go ahead rural South Wales including our seascape, valleys and hills will become an industrialised zone.

Fracking is Big Business in the USA where communities are mobilising to oppose the destruction of their water supplies, land and clean air. 

Fracking is Big Business but it is also our business.

Safe Energy Wales is one of the local campaign groups oposed to these forms of extreme energy and are organising public meetings locally.
Posted by Huw
Editorial Note...... It is our policy to be impartial and present balanced views.  At the very end of the above video, readers will see other videos listed, some giving opposite views (sponsored by the Gas and Oil industry).  We suggest looking at these and consider the issue in a balanced way before forming your own conclusion.
However, it must be remembered that the USA have wide open spaces where the Fracking process takes place and it is not allowed near built-up cities.
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