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Mystic Molly looks at horoscopes from at l3 different sources in order to compare them.

They were done for the same star sign (ARIES) and on the same date.

Here are the results:


Apr 4, 2019 - It's important to be more sensitive toward other people's feelings today, Aries. You may feel more vulnerable than usual. You should do what you can to keep from becoming a victim. Realize that harsh words coming your way now could be a reflection of the harsh words that you've dished out in the past. Ultimately, the events of today could be a good learning experience.



Thursday, April 4, 2019.  There's no such thing as TMI for you today, Aries. With the moon in your sign, you're in your live-out-loud element. Don't feel bad about being so...overt. Your bold authenticity will actually create a safe space in which others can open up. Own your past, Ram! Those "embarrassing" mishaps birthed golden lessons that you can pass on to others who are struggling with the same issues. With all that wisdom to share, maybe you should record a podcast or do a live event on social media in the name of inspiring others.



APR 4, 2019: It's always a good idea to plan ahead, but thinking too much about your future could be keeping you from enjoying your present. Take some time today to just goof around, let your mind wander from topic to topic, and let your body wander from place to place. It's important to live in the moment and just enjoy where you are when you're there. When you do that, you'll be able to notice things you never noticed before. There is beauty all around you—open your eyes and see it!



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