SpanglefishGillieBreeze Bearded Collies | sitemap | log in
Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 11/01/2010.
26 April 2009

New Addition to my Family " Baby Bagheera"
As a lot of my friends will know i have suffered the loss of my beloved Kooey Bear, i am devastated and heartbroken as he was very special to me.
He Died in my arms, aged just 11 from Acute Renal Faliure..leaving a huge void, never to be replaced of forgotten, i miss him more than i could ever express.
Our household is a very sad place at the moment as he was such a big part of our family.
On a brighter note i have decided to get another Burmese baby sooner, rather than later, to help distract me from the pain of losing my boy and bring some much needed sunshine and laughter to the gilliebreeze household. i can't wait to start another special journey with this boy, im already in love with him from the pictures!
He will be extra special also as he is from similar lines to my kubla
Introducing "Bagheera " at the tender age of just 22 days.

Baggi is the chunky cream boy in the middle looking to the side


Photos courtesy of Mike & Irene @ Kimarlim Burmese

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