SpanglefishFenland Organs | sitemap | log in
This is a free Spanglefish 1 website.

Fenland Organs produce 20/21 note, 28 note, 31 note and 35/36 note hand-turned book playing street organs, plus 20 note and 26 note roll playing organs.

Built using traditional materials and techniques, these organs are both a pleasure to operate and listen to. Supplied with each organ is a sample book or roll of music, containing 3 original tunes; waltz, march and foxtrot, further music being readily available from Melvyn Wright, Dean organs etc (please see links page for details of these and others).

A busy corner of the workshop

All our organs are keyless and built to order.

Although all our products carry a 12 month warranty, for peace of mind, it's very  doubtful you'll need it.

Only the finest materials available are used in the construction of our instruments. And this, coupled with the best craftsmanship, and over 30 years experience working with mechanical musical instruments, should ensure a trouble free organ for many years.

 pipes under construction.

 Pipes under construction

 All our organs are built along traditional lines, using bellows, pneumatic actions, keyframe or tracker bar, and punched cardboard music or perforated rolls, to operate the pipes. This makes the organ far more visually attractive than midi operated instruments. Children, in particular, find these organs fascinating to watch, seeing the music go in one side, and then run around to see it come out the other.

Also, being able to see the punched holes in the card or paper, means people can relate the perforations to the music being produced.

Thus, the organ becomes somewhat educational. 


The advantage of book playing organs, is that, once the book has finished playing, it is ready to play again. No time is wasted in re-rolling paper rolls. And therefore, no break in the musical performance.

And books are much sturdier and less likely to get damaged than paper rolls.

But the biggest advantage of any hand turned organ, is that the public can "have a go" at turning the instrument and producing the music themselves. The look of wonder and joy on childrens faces, as they themselves turn the flywheel and produce music, is priceless. 

 For further details of any of our products and services, please contact me by either phone, email or post. Personal callers always welcome (no appointment necessary), although if making a special journey, it is always best to phone first to make sure I am in. I can arrange to be here most of the time,  weekdays, evenings and weekends.

Or, just call in if you're passing.

The kettles always on!

 Organised chaos!

Page Last Updated - 08/07/2016
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