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Personal Details

Date of Birth: 
Age: 69yrs.


NHS (retired)
Department of Neurosurgery
Brunel Building 
Southmead Hospital
Bristol BS10 5

Nationality: British

BSc (Lond): 1975; MB BS (Lond): 1979; FRCS (Edin): 1983
Accreditation: 6.11.89
GMC Registration: No. 2478214 - no licence to practice

ICO reference: 00280004667


  • School: Trinity College, Glenalmond, Perthshire, Scotland (1968 - 72)
  • Undergraduate: University College, London (1972 – 1975)
  • Medical School: Westminster Medical School, London (1976 – 1979)


  • Pre-registration Year: Westminster Hospital, London (1979 – 1980)
  • General surgery training: London, Luton and Birmingham (1980 – 1983)
  • Neurosurgical training:
  • SHO: Frenchay Hospital, Bristol (1984)
  • Registrar: Walton Hospital, Liverpool (1984/85, 1986/87)
  • Research Fellow: Institute of Neurology, Queen’s Square & The National Medical Laser Centre, London (1985/6)
  • Senior Registrar: Manchester Royal Infirmary, Manchester, Hope Hospital, Salford (1987-90)
  • Locum Consultant: Hope Hospital, Salford (1990 – 91)
  • Medical Director, South West Imaging Services Ltd (2005-2010)
  • Consultant Neurosurgeon: Frenchay Hospital, Bristol (1991- 2014), Southmead Hospital (2014 - 2018)
  • Honorary Consultant Neurosurgeon: North Bristol NHS Trust (2019)


Epilepsy surgery, Neuro-oncology, Pain surgery, Orbital surgery, Spinal surgery including intrinsic cord pathology and spinal cord injury, Medical audit.


Image guided surgery, Laser surgery, Computers in surgery, Surgical Robotics



  • Neuro-oncology: Development of web based data collection systems, role of surgery in glioma management
  • Head injury, laser surgery, photodynamic therapy, spinal surgery, early development of image guided surgery
  • Clinical applications of image guided surgery: techniques for radical resection of intrinsic brain tumours, minimally invasive epilepsy surgery, anterior cervical image guidance, image fusion and multimodality image guidance

  • Neuromodulation: Development of central and peripheral neurostimulation for pain and epilepsy surgery

  • Image guided radiosurgery - Cyberknife

  • Neurosurgical robotics - applications to epilepsy surgery - Renishaw



  • South west postgraduate training director
  • Chairman of and lecturer on Medtronic SNT international training courses in image guidance



  • Head of specialty
  • Chairman of the Regional Brain Tumour Panel for the South west cancer intelligence service
  • Member European Association of Neurosurgery Technical Standards committee
  • Chairman of Avon and Somerset neuro-oncology group
  • Society of British Neurosurgeons representative for the National Institute of Clinical Excellence
  • Medical Director of South West Imaging Services Ltd (SWIS)
  • Society of British Neurosurgeons representative for the Committee on Saftey of Devices of the Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Authority (MHRA)Personal Details



1. S M Zeki and D R Sandeman. "Combined anatomical and electrophysiological studies on the boundary between the second and third visual areas of rhesus monkey cortex". Proc R. Soc. Lond. B. 194 555-562 (1976)

2.  D R Sandeman, M R Clements, E J Perrins. "Oesophageal obstruction due to hydroscopic gum laxatives".The Lancet 8164: 364-365 (1980)

3. A Simpson, D R Sandeman, S J Nixon, I A Goulbourne, D C Grieve, I M C Macintyre. "The value of an erect abdominal radiograph in the diagnosis of intestional obstruction". Clinical Radiology 36: 41-45 (1985)

 4. D R Sandeman & B Cummins. "The provenance of extradural haematomas". BMJ 292: 522-523 (1986)

5. D R Sandeman. "Photodynamic therapy of gliomas: a review". Lasers in Medical Science 3: 163-175 (1986)

6. D R Sandeman, R Bradford, P Buxton, S G Brown, D G T Thomas. Selective necrosis of malignant gliomas in mice using photodynamic therapy. Brit J Cancer 55: 647-649 (1987)

7. C J Tralau, H Barr, D R Sandeman, T Barton, M R Lewis, S G Brown. "Aluminium Sulphonated Phthalocyanine distribution in rodeonolontumbusin of the pancreas". Photochem. Photobiol. 46: 777-781 (1987)

8. D R Sandeman, "Organ transplantation: the ethical issues". Letter to the Independent – 20th April 1987.

9. G F Findlay, D R Sandeman, P Buxton. "The role of needle biopsy in the management of malignant spinal compression". Brit J Neurosurgery 2: 479-484 (1988)

10. D R Sandeman "The potential of Photodynamic Therapy (Photodynamic Therapy) as a tumour selective form of adjuvant therapy following radical surgery for focal malignant gliomas: evaluation of a second generation photosensitiser, Sulphonated Chloro-Aluminium Phthalocyanine (ALSPc)". MS Thesis, University of London. Submitted May 1990.

11. D R Sandeman, A P Sandeman,. P H Buxton, H J Hughes, D W Chadwick, I R Williams, R D Baker, P M Foy, M D M Shaw. "The management of patients with an intrinsinc supratentorial brain tumour". Brit J Neurosurg 4, 299-312 (1990).

12. D R Sandeman. "Tunable lasers and Photodynamic Therapy". Lasers in Neurosurgery, Chapter 8, Jeffreys R.V. (Ed). Publ : Chapman and Hall (1990)

13. D R Sandeman. "Gliomas: Direct Open Surgery". Lasers in Neurosurgery, Chapter 11, Jeffreys R.V. (Ed). Publ : Chapman and Hall (1990)

14. D Smith, J L Hutton, D R Sandemann, P M Foy, M D M Shaw, I R Williams, D W Chadwick. "The prognosis of primary intracerebral tumours presenting with epilepsy: the outcome of medical and surgical management". JNNP 54, 915-920 (1991)

15. D R Sandeman, A Case, E Cause. "Frameless stereotaxy: a new era in image directed neurosurgery and radiological image processing". Clinical MRI 1992: 2: (1991–2).

16. D R Sandeman, C Marshall, P Brett. "Medical robotics in neurosurgery: the potential of three dimensional image guidance systems of intelligent micromanipulators".IEEE. First International Workshop on Mechatronics in Medicine and Surgery. 1992: 152-157.

17. D R Sandeman, S R Butler, J M Bird, M H Morgan. "Monitoring during surgery for epilepsy". Burden Neurological Institute Annual Report: University of Bristol 1993: 8-10.

18. D R Sandeman, N Patel, C Chandler et al. "Advances in image directed neurosurgery: Preliminary experience with the ISG Viewing Wand compared with the Leksell G Frame". Brit J Neurosurg 1994: 8: 529-44

19. N Patel, D R Sandeman. "Advances in image directed neurosurgery". Surgery, 1995 13: 5 199-20.

20. H B Coakham, I Pople, D R Sandeman. "The management of pineal region tumours by ventriculoscopy and biopsy". JNNP 1995 59 651-652.

21. A S Carney, N Patel, D L Baldwin, H B Coakham, D R Sandeman. "Use of the ISG Viewing Wand: Postoperative image guidance in otolaryngology". J Laryngology Otology 1995 109, 792.

22. PV Dyer, N Patel, G M Pell, B Cummings, D R Sandeman. "The ISG Viewing Wand: An application to atlantoaxial surgery using the Le Ford I maxillary osteotomy". Brit J Oral Maxillofacial Surgery 1995 33 370-374.

23. D R Sandeman, S S Gill , "The impact of interactive image guided surgery: the Bristol experience with the ISG/Elekta viewing Wand." Acta Neurochir Suppl (Wien) 1995 64: 54-8

24. N Patel, DR Sandeman et al. "Interactive image guided surgery of the spine – use of the ISG/Elekta Viewing Wand to aid intraperative localisation of a sacral osteoblastoma". Brit J Neurosurg 1997 11: 60-4.

25. D R Sandeman, A Moufid, "Interactive image guided techniques for transnasal pituitary surgery". Neurochirurgie 1998 44: 331-8

26. D R Sandeman. "Helmets, Head Injuries and Cycling". BTA News Summer 1997.

27. D A Hilton, S Love, R Barber, D Ellison, D R Sandeman "Accumulation of p53 and Ki-67 expression do not predict survival in patients with fibrillary astrocytomas or the response of these tumors to radiotherapy." Neurosurgery 1998 42: 724-9

28. D R Sandeman , "Will clinical governance make a difference?" BMJ 1999: 318, 1085

29. N H Walton, C Goodsman, R McCarter, D R Sandeman, J M Bird, "An analysis of neuropsychological change scores following selective temporal resection of the non-dominant temporal lobe." Seizure 1999 8:241-5

30. Ffyche DH, Howseman A Edwards, Sandeman DR, Zeki S. "human area V5 and motion in the ipsilateral field. Eur J Neurosc 2000 12: 3015-25

31. Burn SC, Sandeman DR . "Syringoperitoneal shunt migration. Case illustration" J Neurosurg 94:335

32. Pople IK, Athanasiou TC, Sandeman DR, Coakham HB. "The role of endoscopic biopsy and third ventriculostomy in the management of pineal region tumours. Br J Neurosurg 2001 15:305-11

33. Ching J, Khan S, White P, Reed J, Ramnarine D, Sandeman D. Long-term effectiveness and tolerability of vagal nerve stimulation (VNS) in adults with intractable epilepsy: A retrospective analysis of 100 patients. Brit J Neurosurgery; 2012

34. Prakash S, Kumar A, Sandeman D. Robotic SEEG – The way forward for Extratemporal epilepsy evaluation. Brit J Neurosurgery: accepted 2013

35. Kumar A, Greenfield K, Sandeman D. One stop spinal assessment Low Back Pain: "One stop" assessment with MRI scanning and specialist opinion. Review of 2500 patients referred by General Practitioners (GP’s). Brit J Neurosurgery; Submitted 2011

36. Sandeman D 15-year longitudunal study of mortality in a general neurosurgical practice: Brit J Neurosurgery; 2015: 29; 500:504

These references are sited on a Pub Med search under ‘Sandeman DR’



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