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                    Origami Tutorials

                        The cup


                             The Star


                              The swift


                             Drawing Tutorials

                                     K9 tutorial



                            Manga eyes


Manga is a cartoon form that is very popular.The key features of a mangas characters face such as the characters nose and mouth tend to be easy and straight forward to draw...the eyes however are generally more tricky! Here is a simple step by step guide of how to draw  basic manga eyes.




Stop motion Animation Tutorial

Stop motion animation is a long but very rewarding process-if you would like to try it yourself  here are some basic tips to help you .

Modeling your character

Inorder to make your animation you first require models,to make these you will need to make an armature,an armature will act as your models skelengton and will enable it to move around -you can buy armatures from specialist shops-but these tend to be very expensive and if you are just starting out animating i would recomend making your own.To make your own buy some fairly thick wire and attatch different pieces of wire together by twisting it and using masking tape to create  the basic shape of your character.Once you are happy with your armature add placticine. I would strongly recomend newplast placticine as it is of high quality and perfect for animation,however again it is quite expensive and if you are a begginer you may want to start by using a slightly cheaper type. Mould your placticine around your armature make its legs,arms,head,facial features (except eyes) etc.Now add beads for eyes  you will need to buy white beads and paint the inside black which is a method used in the amazing wallace and gromit films.


To start find a large cardboard box and cut out the front and top of the box to create your sets basic structure.Add some old wallpaper to the inside sides of the box (the side of your little sets room)and maybe some pretty material at the bottom to create a nice carpet.For the furniture go out to a toy shop/dolls house shop and buy some nice items to furnish your set with.Once you have firmly glued them to your set you can begin animating.


Put your model in your set and move it a tiny amount and take a photo,move it again and take another photo,move it again and take another,then move it again....well you get the idea sure.

Putting your animation together

Once you have finished shooting your animation you will need some software inorder to put it together-if you are just starting out try monkey jam which you can download via for free and you may later decide to purchase Stop motion pro - putting your animation together aim to have 24 frames(photos) per second.


Page Last Updated - 08/01/2010
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