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Robby to Violet, 10 March 1950

                                                   March 10th

My dear Violet

Thank you so much for your
very kind letter & for the excellent photograph.
I expect by now you have heard from [?]
that I paid a second visit to Dr. Brigdon-
the heart specialist at the London, having made
an appointment to see him previously without
waiting in queues most of the day. Miss D. paid his 3 guineas fee, & also hired a car to
take me there, & bring me home about an hour
after I got there.  She is very generous to myself &
for others in those ways.  But her prolonged visits
are a great trial, as she abuses nearly everybody,
& rakes up small things they did as children about
20 years ago.  I often tell her that she does not be-
lieve in “the Forgiveness of sins” to which she replies she must do, because she goes to Confession.  To which I modify my remark by saying that at all events she
does not believe in the forgiveness of other people’s sins.
I saw the Doctor for my second interview a week ago,
& this week & next week I [?] him of my intention
to stay in bed absolutely, except for a much cur-
tailed day on Sunday.  He said that I had
better get up for a few hours every day, so I
have been having tea at 6 a.n., breakfast at
9:30, lunch at 1:30 all of those in bed, & I
get up about 3 or 4 in the afternoon.  He said, if
I did not get up at all, I should feel so very
weak by the end of the week.  So I am taking my
lozenges in the night, now as I was bidden.
It was very kind of you to suggest an electric fire
in my bed-room, but the buildings are over 100
years old, and though the outer walls are strong, the
partitions between the rooms are wood & plaster, &
I think there would be a considerable risk of fire.
My bedroom is very small, and Mrs. Sole gets me a
good fire & a hot bottle before I turn in.  Then
Len Rickus looks in just before midnight, & fetches
me more fruit & stokes up the fire, & also refills
my 2 hot bottles.  Mrs. Barratt’s Rose brings me
tea at 6 a.m. & refills my hot bottles again.  So I
really thoroughly spoilt.  I have not been
saying Mass, which gets over the fasting
difficulty, & tomorrow Sat. night, Fr.
Beckett is coming over from Buckingham to
sleep here, & say both the early & late
Masses on Sunday,  I really am getting better,
but when I do get these painful attacks, it
is in the middle of the night, when I am
completely relaxed, and the lozenges & early tea
send them away.  So don’t worry about me. 

                      Y. darling



AIRMAIL LETTER      Written the day before he died.


Mrs. Gerard Clay
            Northern Rhodesia



Rev, R.S. Thornewill
    385A Cable Street
        London  E1



11:15 A.M.

11 MCH



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