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Track Day - Ian McG
02 August 2015

The weather forecast was dreadful but there was a good turnout for Ian's running day. Those hoping to witness a repeat performance from Fraser's new loco "Wee Smasher" were disappointed.

It didn't take long for a shower to drive us indoors  but this soon passed and Dave W took the opportunity to light up "No. 6" (aka Russell). Having remembered to bring the matching RC Tx this time No6 was soon hauling our host's freight featuring his newly built Grain Wagon, first vehicle behind the loco.

Here is another view of the Grain wagon behind Ian W's WD Hunslet.

Andrew M brought along a couple of his ever expanding stable of Mamods. First out was his most recent acquisition fresh from the repair shops.

As well as his locos Andrew brought a rake of his military vehicles , seen here behind "Pioneer".

Not a lot of people know why Michael Caine was left behind in the sidings.

Derek's "Edrig" gave us a demonstration of the  versatility of Accucraft chopper couplings in both directions.

The weather forecast turned out to be unduly pessimistic and we had an excellent running session. Thanks go to Carol for an excellent lunch.

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