Spanglefish15th (Scottish Volunteer) Battalion the Parachute Regiment | sitemap | log in
Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 02/08/2010.
26 August 2009

Is anyone from the Platoon intending to go to Arnhem this year for the 65th commeration? If so let me know guys and i'll put your name on here and we can arrange an RV location for a beer or 3. I'll be there from the 17th - 22nd.



Kenny Morland & Tina Morland

Jock McGregor and his Father (Ex Para Reg)

Stuart Nathewson

 Well folks a very good trip to Arnhem this year and met some old friends from 1 Para aswell as meeting up with Stuart and the gang from Central Scotland PRA. Sadly missed Jock and his dad.

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