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The Author

Nick Brown lives at Westfield, just outside Hastings, and is a member of both Hastings Runners and Dulwich Runners. Aged 56, he has been running competitively and walking for nearly 25 years. He won the local Beckley 10kms in both 2005 and 2006, and and won the M40 section of the East Sussex Sunday Cross-Country league in 2006/2007. He has finished in the top 50 of the Hastings half-marathon (one of the UK's most popular) on a number of occasions.

As well as exploring the 1066 area, he has also walked extensively in Normandy and Switzerland. His second book The 1066 Country Walk has recently been published. For the first time the 1066 route has been properly broken down into 6 stages; whilst the second half of the book features a further 6 circular walks - all incorporating part of the 1066 Walk - thus allowing walkers to explore even more of this delightful countryside!

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