
Ayrshire District Education

Bridge is a stimulating and enjoyable game which can be played by all from school age and at all levels from social to expert. This page usually has details of minibridge in schools and the Junior club but unfortunately nothing is running at the moment because of the Covid19 pandemic.  

During the current crisis many people are enjoying the game by playing online and it is possible to learn how to play bridge or to improve your game.


Online Classes for all Levels

Online classes will be starting shortly and will consist of

a 2nd year group who have just 10/12 lessons to complete the course

another group who are just beginning 2nd year 

I do not intend to start a beginner class just now but I will review this in January of enough people are interested.

For enquiries about the above, email Maureen Rennie or visit www.bridgewebs.com/learnonlinewithmaureen 


 Small Private Classes for all Levels

Chris Gurney is going to run small-group classes following strict Scottish Government guidelines regarding social distancing etc

For more information please email Chris Gurney 

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