27 May 2015
Signs of Occupation

Over the weekend of 23/24 May 2015, a group of us restarted our test pit digging in Broad Cave and the 3 Peaks Cave. Digging a single trench of 2 x 1m in each. 

In Broad Cave, we managed to dig down 1 metre and found a shell midden at that level. From this we were able to take bone and charcoal samples, which will used for carbon dating. 

In the 3 Peaks Cave (named after 3 stalagmites at the back of the cave) we uncovered beach stones that appear to have been arranged as furniture, which included a stone box, or cist. Cists were used as storage containers, including coffins, though this one was empty. We also found that a boundary wall had been constucted outside the cave to enclose a natural amphitheatre. 

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