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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 26/02/2010.
2012 Can Collection
15 July 2012


The Rockvale Rebound’s annual fund raiser, which once again took the form of a Can Collection at Loch Lomond Shores, was not anything like as successful as we had expected.  The date chosen was Sunday, 15th July because, as well as it being the height of the Summer season, with several bus loads of visitors coming to the complex, there was one of the several Farmer’s Markets in progress that day, and they can be guaranteed to draw crowds.  However, unknown to us, another two groups were present, each of which had some kind of people attracting display in progress and it is difficult to figure out what an organisation such as ours can put on along those lines. 
The total sum raised was £212:27 which is really rather poor, especially since no fewer than ten members of the organisation had given up their time and to them we are most grateful.  The most that can be said is that we are £212 better off than we were before, but it is obvious that some deep rethinking will need to be done as to our next venture.


gillian 2012 can collection

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