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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 26/02/2010.
30th A.G.M.
07 May 2011

rockvale rebound 30th agm taken by janelle scotland of tnf

30th A.G.M.
            The 2011 A.G.M. of the Rockvale Rebound was held on Saturday, 7th of May, two weeks later than would have normally been the case. Due to this, several people who would have usually been in attendance were unable to come along. Despite that factor, there were around twenty people there. This was a rather unique occasion in that it was the 30th Annual General Meeting, a fact that Bobby Simpson M.B.E., Chairman of the organisation pointed out in his welcoming speech, briefly outlining the progress of the service over the years. 
            The highlight of the afternoon came when Janelle Scotland, Chairperson of the Association of Scottish Talking Newspapers, presented Bobby with a certificate from A.S.T.N. marking the special day. It was particularly poignant for Bobby to receive the certificate since it was twenty five years before that he had instigated the setting up of what was then the Scottish Talking Newspaper Group, the forerunner of A.S.T.N, which is now a fully constituted body and an umbrella group for all T.N’s in Scotland.
            The certificate will be given pride of place in the Rockvale Rebound’s premises in West Bridgend in Dumbarton.   
The occassion was celebrated by an article in the Lennox Herald, Friday, June 3, 2011 see our Calendar page for 7th May, 2011.
our certificate
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