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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 26/02/2010.
Christmas Lunch 2010
18 December 2010


Yes, it did take place, in spite of the atrocious weather and road conditions. However, it had to be postponed by a week. The original date was December the 11th, but even as late as the 8th, it was obvious that a drastic change would need to be made. Fortunately the facets which needed to be altered were and they were the venue, the catering facility and the transport arrangements. Although the whole country was affected, nobody could ever remember such heavy snow coming in November and lasting for such a long time. Sadly there were five people who weren't able to make the amended date, three who had arrangements for that date, and two who just could not get from their houses to the street to board the bus because the access path was more like Paisley ice rink than a usable pathway. Amazingly the bus made the pick up journey in record time and everyone was there ready for the afternoon to commence. The lunch itself, which was provided by Margaret Coleman and her team was, as always excellent and enjoyed by all. This was shown by the tumultuous cheer, that nearly lifted the roof, when the gathering showed their approval.

Next came our now very much looked forward to raffle which was very ably executed by Sarah Worthey and Brian Corrigan and they were assisted by Lewis and Jack Campbell who showed great alacrity in carrying out their prize deliveries.

After a short break for the smokers to enjoy a cigarette, it was entertainment time. Elaine Foulkes gave a most entertaining and at times hilarious account of the 'Twelve Days of Christmas' outlining the problems of such an event. David Dyer provided some very amusing anecdotes and a song into the bargain. Our Chairman, Bobby Simpson recited a couple of his own poems and gave some solos on his harmonica as well as accompanying some community singing. Amy McGrandles also rendered two beautiful Christmas songs, and it just wouldn't be Christmas without being able to listen to Amy's most melodic voice.

All in the event went exceedingly well and the committee have to be congratulated in all they did to make it such a resounding succes.

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