SpanglefishPrestwick Academy Physics Department | sitemap | log in
Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 20/07/2015.


The unit uses a systems approach in that the components of an electronic system are considered from the point of view of how they behave. Each system is divided into three parts: input, process and output with the physics content being confined mainly to the input and output sections.

The Unit is intended to give an overview of Electronics and includes both Digital and Analogue aspects.
There is a strong emphasis on applications and pupils will be provided with many examples of electronics in action to give wider relevance to course work.

Input and output devices should be studied in some detail from the point of view of energy conversions and/or electrical properties. The Unit affords opportunity for devising and constructing an electronic system to meet some identified purpose.


Summary Notes


Below you will find a copy of the homework booklet and the interactive version of each activity.

Electronics Homework Booklet


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