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Tie a bucktail deceiver

a great all round baitfish pattern for any predatory fish you can do this from sizes 1/0 all the way up to 6/0 or even 8/0 for off shore work

Materials used

5/0 sakuma baitholder hook

clear mono thread

Chartreuse saddle hackle

Orange saddle hackle

Chartreuse bucktail

Orange bucktail

Orange chenille








After flattening down the barbs on top of the hook Wrap A few turns of thread on the hook working back to the start of the hook gape








Add in some pearl flashbou and 2 or 3 orange hackle feathers on the far side and the near side of the hook secure with a couple of wraps of thread








add 2 Chartreuse feathers on the far away side and on the near side (don’t worry about covering the orange sides the orange only needs to visible from underneath)









ad another couple of chartreuse feathers to dampen down the orange sides









Take a thin pinch of chartreuse bucktail and add to either side of the hackle








add a pinch of orange bucktail underneath  you can if you like varnish in at this point but not 100% necessary  although it does help against sharp teeth









Tie in 1 whole orange hackle and feather round the whipping to end up with the feather palmed like so and tie down








add in orange chenille or fritz and bring it up to the hook eye and tie down tight








reverse the hook and add in some orange bucktail on the belly








add orange bucktail to the nearside and far side to form the body shape








add a piece of chartreuse bucktail on the

 top to start forming the top body shape








Reverse your bucktail and use the darker colour on top of the lighter colour (you’ll find the reverse of the buktail is really nicely blended to the colour on the reverse side just don’t tie it down two hard or it will flare to much








epoxy a couple of 5mm eyes in and the fly is ready




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