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I have now completed a few of the Family tree books, anyone interested can contact me on sylviamason@uwclub.net

The books I have completed are as follows









Plans for the bicentenary of the Revolution have already started, if you are interested in becoming part of this massive project please join us, here are just a few of the things we are planning

This Calendar of Events is by no means exhaustive but will include the following:-

1. Release and re-release of old and new books on the subject

2. Commemorative coins, stamps and first day covers

3. Thirteen walks in the area of the original march and also a walk in the area of Australia to where some of the men were deported and then settled

4. Localised exhibitions of information at events and meeting rooms

5. A one off weekend of celebration, with entertainment on the weekend of the original march with descendants of the revolutionaries from around the world, to be celebrated annually after this event

6. Literature, leaflets, pamphlets and flyers on the forthcoming events over the next three years and beyond, including pamphlets for the walks

7. To target local schools with the information on England’s last armed rebellion and encourage the children to take part in celebrating the Bi-centenary of this part of their local history

8. The above will include: plays, poetry, re-enactment, musical renditions, art, competitions, historical renditions as well as (hopefully) a documentary on the subject

9. The end product will be a carefully researched log of events of this historic event, from the organising of it to its finale in Australia

10. The whole event will be commemorated by the production of historical plaques to be placed along the route of the march, starting in South Wingfield and including all areas to the place where the men where finally apprehended in Giltbrook, there will also be plaques at Sutton in Ashfield where the marches leader was from and Derby where the trials took place and some of the men where executed, and extending to the living and working places of where the transported victims ended their days in Australia

Using our contacts in Australia, we also hope to perform as many of these celebrations as feasible also in Australia, to include the production of their own stamp, coin and first day cover, as well as walks and a celebration of the arrival in Australia of the doomed men of the Pentrich & South Wingfield Revolution (items 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 10)

For more information contact

Sylvia Mason 


Website for the Bi-centenary group 


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The Pentrich and South Wingfield Revolution Group has now been running since before 2017, we achieved much more than we expected and still are doing, for updates on our group please visit the website or visit us on facebook




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