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What's on

Click on the heading of each item below for more details.

The Frying Squad


at the Royal Oak

5 o'clock to 7:30

Orders: 07880 901 352


Autumn calendar
Subject to change if a large party
or wedding is booked.
OCTOBER 9 open at 10.30
OCTOBER 16 closed
OCTOBER 23 open at 10.30
OCTOBER 30 open at 10.30


we will hold a Village Community
Group meeting at 10am to 11am.
Everyone welcome.
The cafe will open at 11am

NOVEMBER 13 open at 10.30
NOVEMBER 20 open at 10.30
NOVEMBER 27 open at l0.30
DECEMBER 4 open at 10.30
DECECEMBER 11 open at 10.30

with Santa giving presents to
village children and a live
performance of Christmas music
by Anna on her accordion

The Parish Church of St. Andrew
Church of England
 for local Church services, click >here<
Services in our Church are usually held at 10:00
on two or three Sundays a month


Every Thursday:-
Morning prayers (08:30) and Evening prayers (17:00)


of course there are other Services
at Easter, Remembrance, Christmas, etc.,
as well as Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals.

For more, click >here<

Garden Club

Summer Show

Village Hall

on a Saturday, mid-July (usually)

But THIS year

7th August 2021

10:00 to 12:00

And THIS year, there is also a 

Scarecrow Competition

Parish Council Meeting

First Tuesday of the month
at 7:30 pm
in the Pavillion


Village Hall

Contact Diana Burt on 807 697
or  VillageHall AT okeford-fitzpaine DOT org

Okeford Auctions
in the Village Hall, on a Sunday, 2 or 3 times a month
See ad in Blackmore Vale Magazine for full details.

Come and try


twice monthly cycle rides in and around the Okefords.

1.5 hours:        1st Wed  10:00  starting at Shillingstone Station on The Trailway
all morning:     3rd Sat  09:30  starting at The Cross  Okeford Fitzpaine.
Various venues.   

No charge
but tailored lessons are available for just £10. for Dorset residents.

If you want more, click >here<

Send us information

about your up-coming events

to post here (for free) !


Just click on the  CONTACT US  Link on the left and send a message.
See also the latest issue of Fippenny News
If you are not a subscriber, ask Barbara:-  861 524
Or Derek:-   FippennyNews AT vfemail DOT net

Be aware ! 

If you click on one of the buttons at the bottom of the screen, it takes you to an advertising site.  Sorry about that - but you have been warned!

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