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22 July 2013
Heron News update

Killer Trees and the Herons

The last trees standing

Mike Davies is following up this story because it may be the last year that the Herons may nest in this area.

Good news at Cilfrew, the herons have returned and had their young, now as the young herons start to fledge, what will happen in 2014 no one knows as the trees which support the herons nest are to be felled after the breeding season due to the disease called phytophthora  ramorum which effects the Larch pine trees.

Young heron pictured above and right - July 2013.

There are many who will be glad to see the heron long gone as they raid the local fish ponds, but a net cover over the pond will do the trick,

and so will a plastic heron displayed on a branch by the pond will also deter the heron from landing,
I know this will work as my mother had a fish pond and she never lost a fish due to the herons passing over head.

The herons are leaving for this year.

We all have to live in harmony on this earth we all have to eat to survive.

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