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BIG Lottery Tech Assistance UPDATE
31 May 2009

BIG Lottery Technical Assistance

Funding Application- UPDATE

We have been notified that our recent application for funding from the Big Lottery has been turned down. 

The explaination given in the notification was as follows:


We assessed your application against two criteria, fit with our outcomes and ability to deliver the project, using the information you gave us. We judged that your application was not as strong as others because:

               Community consultation identified areas that the community felt were lacking, however did not demonstrate that the community felt that a new hall was the most appropriate way to meet these needs. In particular, it was not clear that there was local demand for the rental of workshop units.

               The evidence of demand for facilities other than general meeting space is limited. Projects with a focus on general meeting space are not a strong fit with the outcomes and priorities that we are looking to meet under the GCA programme.

KCH will now need to review the above feedback, assess all available remaining funding streams and decide the next steps to be taken towards achieving the Lower Strathglass Regeneration Project.  Althouigh disappointing, the Directors of KCH remain committed to secure funding to deliver this worth project.    

Demand for funding remains high, which means it is very competitive for all projects seeking funding. As a result the quality of what we fund is being driven up. Therefore we were only able to fund projects that demonstrated the strongest fit against all our criteria.

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