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Spring 2021
02 March 2021

Spring has sprung in Nairn bringing hope of a better year in 2021. The snowdrops are out along the riverside and will be at their best in the next few weeks. So get out for a walk and enjoy them.

In last couple of years KNC has continued its annual splitting and replanting to spread the clumps out along the paths from the Jubilee bridge to the A96 on both sides of the river. These new clumps are beginning to put on a good show.

There are more snowdrops in between the trees in the Cemetery Field, and the latest little groups are lining the paths through Viewfield.

Last year, due to COVID,  KNC had to hold a very small replanting day, and it will be the same this year. Hopefully, next year we can have everyone out to add more snowdrops around the town.

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