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KNC Thanks Nairn's NHS
17 November 2020

When KNC Chair, Annie Stewart, saw that the shrub borders in front of Nairn's Town & County Hospital had been emptied over the summer, she got in touch with staff to ask what was planned for the beds. The reply came back that there were no plans.

This gave Annie the idea of putting in a rainbow drift of tulips in the two main borders as a lasting "Thank you" to the local NHS workers for all their dedication and hard work in such a challenging year.

The tulips were ordered & Greens Nurseries donated a rainbow mix of pansies and violas. KNC members and volunteers dug over the borders and  removed all the old rubble and roots before planting the tulips, pansies & violas.

Linsey Mackenzie, PA to the District Manager at the hospital emailed KC to say " Many thanks to you & your team for doing such a wonderful job. We really appreciate it, and can't wait for next spring"

KNC will sow another rainbow mix of annuals to follow the tulips & keep the borders colourful over the summer.


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