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Nairn's Summer Colour
09 May 2020

As you may have read in the Nairnshire, Highland Council cannot supply or plant any summer bedding in the town this year, due to the COVID-19 restrictions. This will include the hanging baskets and the sculptural planters outside the Community Centre.

KNC is hoping to fill the gap to give the town centre some colour, and to ensure those of you who are able to get out and about over the summer, have something to cheer you up. We have already come to the rescue of the War Memorial beds, putting the Royal British Legion in touch with Greens who are going to give them plants for their beds.

We hope there will be more plants from Greens for our seasonal bed in Leopold Street and the small raised bed next to the dolphins. Until then they are looking good with tulips.

Tulips at our Brambles sponsored bed

Tulips at our HFBC sponsored bed

In the meantime we have made a start at the Dolphin bed in Harbour Street which the Council will not be planting. We have put in some summer flowering perennials and grasses and sown some annual seeds. We hope to have more bedding to add there.

We have also sown poppy seeds in the narrow beds behind and beside the HFBC sponsored raised bed

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