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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 05/11/2014.

Magdalen Project

The Magdalen Project is an environmental education centre situated in the heart of 132 acre organic farm in beautiful countryside on the Somerset/Dorset border.

The diverse range of managed and natural habitats provide the basis for a wide range of courses, workshops and eco-adventures, encouraging both children and adults to learn new skills, enjoy new experiences and develop a deeper understanding of the countryside and a more sustainable approach to life.  

From their website: “With our five-year plan of the farm now into it’s 2nd year, we are moving forward with a variety of farm enterprises which are also excellent educational resources, greatly increasing awareness of how animal husbandry and sustainable land management directly affects the nutritional value of our own food.

What do we grow?

The horticultural aspect of Magdalen Farm has been developing over many years and is intricately linked to almost all of our activities. The Magdalen Project is certified by the Soil Association and our vegetable crops are an essential factor providing fresh organic fruit and vegetables for our Kitchen which supplies over 20,000 meals to our visitors over the year.

We have a flock of North Country mule sheep which we cross with a charolais ram producing over 120 lambs per year, sold into the local market or used to provide meals for our guests. This autumn we are going to introduce Beef Shorthorns to provide a small beef enterprise which will  benefit the fertility building on the farm and with a mixed grazing regime aid the control of parasites without regular use of chemicals.

Jenny, our working horse, is a star attraction, and has done some great work with groups and individual children.


Fruit and vegetables

We have a large vegetable garden, with two 20m poly tunnels, two green houses, a small orchard and cherry trees. We are developing a substantial comfrey patch which provides plant food and aids composting which is the heart of our organic garden coupled with using our own farmyard manure produced from in wintering our livestock. We are well on our way to  achieving our aim of self-sufficiency in our nutrient needs. We will continue to develop the classic  4 crop rotational growing system maintaining and building fertility and being self sufficient in growing cereals for our livestock. Our ambition is to supply nutritious, healthy, and delicious food for everyone who visits or stays at Magdalen.


This is the key to all activities at Magdalen. Visiting children and adults are encouraged to participate in all forms of horticulture and agriculture. No one leaves without having learnt some fascinating facts about where their food comes from and have a first hand experience of healthy eating. The vegetable garden offers a host of learning experiences for all ages and abilities.

Volunteers and Community involvement

‘Many hands make light work’, as the old saying goes, and this is certainly true when growing vegetables. Much of the vegetable growing and picking would not be possible without our dedicated and knowledgeable band of local volunteers who come in once a week. We also have one or two resident volunteers (UK based and international) who sometimes stay with us for several weeks at a time. A constant exchange of ideas and skills flows between Magdalen staff and helpers. Each day’s activity is rewarded with a substantial and healthy lunch. We also run special volunteer training days where we teach skills such as hedge laying and tool maintenance.

Care Farming and Gardening

A special garden area is being developed for visitors who may find our main kitchen garden plot daunting to get around and work in. We have put in several raised beds, including strawberry beds and a herb garden. This is an easily accessible site where helpers can sit and be comfortable whilst enjoying the many physical and therapeutic benefits of gardening. ‘Care Gardening’ fits in with our wider programme of Care Farming which enables visitors with a wide range of special needs to gain a full experience of all aspects of life at Magdalen.

Contact Martin Biss for details:






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